Dear Subscriber,
It's been a long time since I sent you my special newsletter containing a hot stock tip.
The reason for that is because I really haven't had many opportunities to present to you.
Incapta Inc (ticker: INCT) is a company that was brought to my attention earlier this morning
by one of my colleagues at an M&A firm in manhattan.
It seems that a buy out from DJI is imminent at $1.37 per share and is set to be announced
next week on Tuesday, March 28.
INCT is a company that has revolutionized the drone industry by creating the first independent drones
that can be dispatched to areas of interest such as crime scenes, car chases, wild fires, etc.
The network of drones operates by connecting to a cloud and complex algorithms efficiently dispatch the drones
within moments of an incident being reported.
This way the media outlet that owns the drones can be the first to the scene and get exclusive, live-streamed.
This has the potential to literally change the world of news broadcasting as we know it and DJI
(the most prominent drone-maker in the world) sees the potential of this technology which is why
they are willing to pay $1.37 a share to acquire it. A premium of over 1,000% over Friday's closing price.
Tell all your friends about INCT and make sure you buy it as soon as possible today at any price under
20 cents a share to guarantee yourself massive profits.
This stock is about to receive a buy out at 10 times its current market price...
0 comments Monday, March 20, 2017
[Banjir Diskon] VPS -50%
Halo Iswanto,
Banjir Diskon di Niagahoster, apa saja yang kami tawarkan untuk Anda?
Diskon VPS -50%
Miliki VPS untuk website Anda sekarang! Anda lebih leluasa untuk memanage server tanpa berbagi dengan pengguna lainnya. Terlebih jika kebutuhan email dan traffic Anda meningkat setiap harinya. Anda juga tidak perlu khawatir, jika Anda tidak memiliki kemampuan teknis untuk mengelola VPS. Kami kelola web server Anda tanpa biaya tambahan, Gratis!
Pilih VPS Anda sekarang, diskon 50% hingga 19 Maret 2017 >>
Panduan Penggunaan VPS
Kami telah menyediakan berbagai panduan untuk memudahkan Anda menggunakan layanan kami. Mulai dari instalasi WordPress Webuzo, membuat akun email, optimasi VPS hingga penjelasan fitur free manage tersedia untuk Anda. Simak berbagai panduan dasar dari kami dan dapatkan kemudahan mengelola server Anda.
Domain .ID Rp 55rb Masih Tersedia!
Selama bulan Maret, Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk mendapatkan domain .ID dengan harga Rp 55rb saja. Apabila Anda sudah memiliki domain .ID, lakukan perpanjangan sekarang dan dapatkan harga spesial hanya Rp 99rb. Anda tidak ingin melewatkan kesempatan ini begitu saja, bukan?
Registrasi domain .ID hanya memerlukan KTP. Cek dan daftarkan domain .ID untuk website Anda sebelum digunakan pengguna lainnya di >>
Manfaatkan kesempatan ini sebaik-baiknya, semoga bermanfaat!
Annisa Fauziyyah
Customer Relation Expert | PT. Web Media Technology Indonesia | 0274-5305505 | Jl. Selokan Mataram Monjali Karangjati 304 Yogyakarta 55284
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