U.S. EPA Highlights Newsletter - June 2018



June 2018

News and Events

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) held a historic national summit to address challenges with PFAS in communities nationwide. Over 200 federal, state, local, and tribal officials joined NGOs, industry representatives, and community organizations to gather valuable information and share best practices for handling PFAS issues and protecting our nation's drinking water.

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt unveiled his four-step action plan to ensure EPA thoroughly addresses PFAS. The summit and action plan received bipartisan praise.

Throughout the summer, EPA will visit and similarly engage with additional communities across the country, including New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Colorado, and North Carolina.

As peak beach season arrives in the United States, EPA plans to award up to $9.3 million in total to 39 states, territories, and tribes to develop and implement beach monitoring and notification programs. Under the Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health (BEACH) Act, EPA awards grants to eligible state, territorial, and tribal applicants to help them and their local government partners monitor water quality at coastal and Great Lakes beaches.

For specific information on grants under the BEACH Act, grant guidance, and contact information for state and local beach programs, see: www.epa.gov/beach-tech/beach-grants

To check on the latest closings and advisories at particular beaches, the public should contact the relevant state, tribal, or territorial beach program listed at: www.epa.gov/beaches/state-territorial-tribal-and-epa-beach-program-contacts

Mike Stoker was sworn in as the Regional Administrator for the Pacific Southwest. He hit the ground running by meeting with local officials in Hawaii.

EPA announced grants awarded to Louisiana to help Gulf coastal restoration, which received widespread praise.

Under President Trump's leadership, EPA provided assistance to 16 local communities through the Local Foods, Local Places program. This action supports local farmers, improves public health, and grows local economies.

The Administration further provides support for community health, and revitalization through the Healthy Places for Healthy People (HP2), a federal initiative that engages with community leaders and health care partners to create walkable, healthy, economically vibrant downtowns and neighborhoods. EPA joined other federal partners in announcing technical assistance to help six communities use local health facilities as a driver for improving health and revitalizing the local economy.

EXIT Executive Order on Promoting Agriculture and Rural Prosperity in America

EPA Recognizes Federal Green Challenge Winners and Their Efforts to Save Resources and Taxpayers' Money.

Program Updates


EPA continues to work on cleaning up our nation's toxic Superfund sites. Here are some of the latest updates:

Administrator Pruitt Updates List of Superfund Sites Targeted for Immediate, Intense Action

EPA Updates Superfund National Priorities List, Commits to Clean Up Six New Sites

EPA's Office of Enforcement to Host Listening Sessions on Superfund Task Force Recommendations

About Superfund: https://www.epa.gov/superfund


EPA Announces $15.7 Million in Supplemental Funds for Cleanups of Contaminated Brownfield Sites in Communities Across the U.S.

About Brownfields: https://www.epa.gov/brownfields

Toxic Release Inventory

EPA Finalizes Action Promoting Greater Transparency on Certain Chemicals Used in Cleaners and Detergents, Adds Nonylphenol Ethoxylates to Toxics Release Inventory

About TRI: https://www.epa.gov/toxics-release-inventory-tri-program

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Office of Public Engagement and Environmental Education
Office of the Administrator / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 

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