EPA Initiates Peer Review of TSCA Systematic Review Approach



EPA Initiates Peer Review of TSCA Systematic Review Approach

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) contracted the National Academies of Science (NAS) to conduct a peer review of the Application of Systematic Review in TSCA Risk Evaluations. This review will help provide EPA with important feedback on the agency's approach to selecting and reviewing the scientific studies that are used to inform Toxic Substances Control Act risk evaluations. Integrating systematic review principles into the TSCA risk evaluation process is critical to developing transparent, reproducible and scientifically credible risk evaluations.

EPA will be providing the NAS with the Application of Systematic Review in TSCA Risk Evaluations document published in June 2018, as well as additional publicly available information that can inform their review, including previously received public comments on this method. NAS will use their study process to conduct an objective and independent peer review, including convening a public meeting and issuing a final report, by June of 2020.

EPA will continue its work on the risk evaluations currently underway using the established systematic review process. The agency will incorporate recommendations from NAS as appropriate into our systematic review methods and use the updated process in future risk evaluations as timing allows.




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