Tips Mengunci Program .Exe Dengan Gilisoft Exe Lock

Posted: 25 Oct 2011 03:01 AM PDT

Privasi data dan program merupakan sesuatu hal yang dirasa cukup penting untuk diperhatikan. Terlebih jika kita mau tidak mau harus berbagi komputer dengan orang lain. Untuk privasi file mungkin sudah banyak yang membahasnya namun untuk program masih sangat jarang yang mengupasnya.

Hal pertama yang mungkin kamu tanyakan, untuk apa program ikut di proteksi juga ?? Ada beberapa program yang rentan akan kebocoran privasi jika orang lain menggunakannya seperti browser, diary, atau aplikasi seperti Launcher Modem (menggunakan modem tanpa izin). Dengan memproteksi aplikasi Exe, kita juga dapat mencegah perubahan setting program oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab yang memang tidak diinginkan oleh kita.

Step by Step Installasi Gilisoft Exe locker

1. Double Klik exe-lock25.exe

2. Masukan Password dan Email (Email akan dipergunakan jika suatu saat lupa dengan password)

3. Ikutin perintah installasi hingga selesai lalu jalankan program

4. Masukan password yang tadi anda buat

5. Masukan Nama dan Key

6. Installasi Sukses..

Cara penggunaannya kita hanya perlu klik Tombol Lock lalu browse file exe yang akan kita proteksi. Saat program dalam status lock, jika di jalankan akan menampilkan pesan error seperti gambar dibawah ini.

Ok semoga bermanfaat :)

Download Gilisoft Exe locker 2.5

Cara Memasang Windows 8 Explorer Ribbon di Windows 7

Posted: 24 Oct 2011 11:18 PM PDT

Bosan dengan tampilan explorer biasa ?? Kenapa tidak mencoba tampilan Ribbon Windows 8 saja.. Seperti yang kita tahu, windows 8 mempunyai tampilan exlorer seperti menu di Office 2010. Semua menu di display untuk mempermudah dan mempercepat pekerjaan kita. Nah karena windows 7 menggunakan explorer biasa, untuk itu disini kita akan merubahnya dari Windows 7 Exlorer biasa menjadi Ribbon Exlorer :)

Syarat Utama yang dibutuhkan:

Download BExplorer : bexplorer.codeplex. com/releases/view/74886
Download Framework 4: filehippo. com/download_dotnet_framework_4/

Step by Step Install BExplorer

1. Download BExlorer melalui link diatas

2. Download Net Framework 4.0 lalu Install.. (Jika Net Framework 4.0 sudah terinstall silahkan abaikan step ini)

3. Install BExlorer dengan cara Double Klik BExlorer Setup.exe lalu ikuti setiap langkahnya.

4. Jalankan BExplorer dengan cara klik start >> All Program >> Better Explorer >> Better Exlorer.exe

5. Pin BExlorer pada Taskbar dengan cara klik kanan di icon BExplorer >> Pin This Program to Taskbar

6. Unpin Explorer Standar Windows 7 dengan cara klik kanan di icon Exlorer lalu klik Unpin

Selesai :D

Berhubung program tersebut masih Alpha jadi jika terdapat Bug mohon dimaklumi dan tanggung sendiri akibatnya hehee.. Tapi Dari pengalaman saya saat menggunakannya BExlorer berjalan dengan baik tanpa terdapat Bug yang fatal. so selamat mencoba


Review Tuneup Utilities 2012

Posted: 23 Oct 2011 09:15 AM PDT

TuneUp Utilities can make your Windows operating system faster, more comfortable and more secure with just a few mouse clicks. And all operations performed on the operating system are completely safe, because all changes are monitored by TuneUp Rescue Center and can be undone at any time. All TuneUp Utilities modules can be accessed through a common interface that is divided into six categories.
The software helps both beginners and experts to make Windows meet their needs in a way that is better, easier and safer. All important system options are explained in an easy way and can be turned on or off at the click of your mouse. TuneUp Utilities will then make the necessary changes in the registry or boot files automatically. We place a high value on system stability, so that Windows won’t stop working reliably. And most changes that you make can be undone in TuneUp Rescue Center – easily and safely.


The TuneUp Turbo Mode provides an immediate performance boost whenever you need it. When you use your computer in the TuneUp Turbo Mode, an analysis is performed to see which tasks, programs and functions are currently running in the background that are not strictly necessary. These programs are stopped or slowed down, allowing the additional processing power gained to be used exclusively by the programs you are actually running.

Maintain System
Regular maintenance increases the stability of your PC, but is complicated and takes a lot of time when doing it manually. Spare yourself the stress! With TuneUp Utilities, you can clean up your computer and delete unnecessary files with only one click. Neat!
• 1-Click Maintenance and Automatic Maintenance
• Optimize system startup and shutdown
• Defragment hard disks
• Remove broken shortcuts
• Defragment registry
• Clean registry

Increase performance
Whether you are working or gaming: TuneUp Utilities increases the performance of your PC. Programs that are used rarely or never are tracked down, startup processes are shortened and unwanted garbage files are eliminated. For trouble-free working on your PC.
• Turbo Mode
• Configure Live Optimization
• Free up disk space
• Configure system startup
• Display and uninstall programs

Fix problems
With only a few clicks, you can fix typical Windows problems as easy as pie — without being a PC expert yourself. TuneUp Utilities finds errors on data carriers and fixes them automatically — about 60 of the most frequent problems under XP™, Vista™, and Windows 7™. TuneUp Utilities can even restore files deleted by accident — quickly, easily, and reliably.
• Fix typical problems
• Restore deleted data
• Check hard drive for errors
• Manage running programs

Customize Windows
Give your Windows a new look with TuneUp Utilities and customize programs and system settings to meet your needs: cool new boot screens, icons, and animations provide that personalized look for your Desktop. You can easily customize the appearance of Windows and settings of many programs to your liking.
• Personalize Windows appearance
• Change Windows settings

Download TuneUp Utilities 2012

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