- Contact: Andrea Boyle Tippett aboyle@udel.edu (302) 831-1421
- David Sternberg sternberg.david@epa.gov (215) 814-5548
Biochar Technology Conference to Bring International Experts to Wilmington, Delaware August 20-23
WHAT: More than 300 international experts are gathering in Wilmington, Delaware to share technologies, information and ideas about a special substance known as biochar. Based on agricultural practices dating back 2,000, years, biochar has proven to be beneficial to the environment in many ways. When mixed with soil, biochar can increase fertility, hold moisture, inactivate certain contaminants, and sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide. Recycling manures into biochar can also reduce nitrogen and phosphorus runoff from agricultural lands and contamination of nearby water bodies.
Biochar's value has been rediscovered over the past 10 years making it one of the most studied materials in soil science today. Biochar is made by heating biomass such as wood, crop residuals, or manures at high temperatures in the absence of oxygen, releasing energy and leaving a black powder residue (biochar).
The conference will also discuss several other uses of biochar including stormwater management, site remediation work, and animal husbandry.
WHEN: August. 20-23, 21018
WHO: Featured speakers include:
Dominique Luekenhoff - Acting Director, Water Protection Division, U.S. EPA mid-Atlantic;
David R. Montgomery, PhD. - Internationally Recognized Author and Speaker;
Patrick Dube PhD. - Water Environment Federation; and,
Representative David Zimmerman, Pennsylvania 99th District
WHERE: Chase Center on the Riverfront – Wilmington, Delaware
AGENDA: https://biochar2018.meetinghand.com/en/318-program
Environmental Protection Agency, 1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029 United States
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