Office of Public Engagement Fall Highlights


EPA Highlights

Fall 2018

News and Events

EPA Meets Important TSCA Milestone by Finalizing Last of Four Chemical Safety Framework Rules

EPA issued a final fees rule under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), ensuring that resources are available to the Agency to complete chemical reviews and actions in a timely, transparent manner while maintaining high scientific standards.

"With today's action EPA has once again met another important milestone under TSCA," said EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler. "This rule will provide resources needed to support the valuable work EPA does to review chemicals for safety, manage risk as required, and make chemical information available as appropriate."

Read the news release;

EPA Honors Award-Winning Environmental Education Teachers and Students

On September 21, EPA announced the winners of the Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators (PIAEE) and the President's Environmental Youth Award (PEYA). EPA honored these award-winning educators and students at a series of events in Washington, D.C. where their projects were presented at a poster session for attendees and EPA leadership, including Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler.

Detailed information on PEYA and PIAEE winners is available at:


Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler Addresses Award-Winning Environmental Education Teachers and Students

Student Winners of the President's Environmental Youth Awards

Acting Administrator Wheeler visits with students on their "Make Soil Not Smoke" project.


EPA Continues Its Response to Hurricane Florence

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency works with other federal, state, and local responders to prepare for and recover from hurricanes.

EPA is coordinating closely with local, state, and federal partners as the Agency continues to respond to the impacts of Hurricane Florence. On September 25, EPA Superfund site assessment teams continued preliminary inspections of assessable National Priority List (NPL) sites. As of September 25, EPA assessment teams have conducted preliminary inspections of 77 sites, with no issues identified. Teams will move into areas still experiencing flooding and road closures when conditions allow.

A list of assessed sites can be found here: This page will be updated as additional assessments are conducted.

For more information visit:

View EPA press releases on Hurricane Florence here.

EPA Recognizes Supermarkets Across America for Smart Refrigerant Management

EPA recognized 13 organizations in the supermarket industry for their achievements in protecting human health and the environment under its GreenChill Partnership Program. The GreenChill Partnership works with food retailers to reduce refrigerant emissions and decrease their impact on the ozone layer by supporting a transition to environmentally friendlier refrigerants, lowering charge sizes and eliminating leaks, and adopting green refrigeration technologies and best environmental practices.

More about the GreenChill Partnership and winners' achievements:

EPA Proposes Affordable Clean Energy Rule

EPA proposed a new rule to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from existing coal-fired electric utility generating units and power plants across the country. This proposal, entitled the Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) Rule, establishes emission guidelines for states to use when developing plans to limit GHGs at their power plants. The ACE Rule replaced the prior administration's overly prescriptive and burdensome Clean Power Plan (CPP) and instead empowers states, promotes energy independence, and facilitates economic growth and job creation. 

"The ACE Rule would restore the rule of law and empower states to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide modern, reliable, and affordable energy for all Americans," said EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler. "Today's proposal provides the states and regulated community the certainty they need to continue environmental progress while fulfilling President Trump's goal of energy dominance."

More information:


Acting EPA Administrator Wheeler Concludes Visit to G7 Environmental Ministers Meeting

On September 20, EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler concluded his visit to the G7 Environmental Ministers meeting where he held bilateral meetings with his counterparts from Japan, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, and the European Commission. He also attended sessions with an expanded group of global leaders to discuss environmental concerns and solutions. While at the G7, the United States set in motion a number of international initiatives aimed at addressing tangible environmental issues with practical solutions including minimizing food waste, reducing marine litter, and improving air quality.

"I applaud Minister McKenna for hosting a successful G7 environmental ministry," said Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. "The United States is pleased with the progress being made by global leaders to advance practical solutions that will reduce marine litter, minimize food waste, and improve air quality. We look forward to continuing constructive dialogue."

Read the news release:


Administrator Wheeler Releases Memo to Improve Drug Take-Back Programs and Help Fight the Opioid Crisis

On September 12, at the National Narcotics Officers' Associations' Coalition (NNOAC) Drug Enforcement Forum, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler released a new memorandum to provide clarity, certainty, and assist law enforcement agencies with the management of household drugs collected in take-back programs.

"Efforts by law enforcement agencies across the country to collect unwanted drugs from households is a critical tool in fighting the opioid crisis," said EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler. "EPA strongly supports these efforts and is working to ensure that drugs collected in take-back programs are transported and destroyed in a manner that is protective of public health and the environment, including the health of law enforcement officers."

Read EPA's memo:

For more information, visit


EPA Hosts National Environmental Justice Public Meeting

On August 15, in Boston, EPA kicked off the first in-person National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) public meeting since new members were announced on March 3, 2018. One of the sessions opened with video remarks from EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler.
"NEJAC plays a vital role in providing EPA Administrators with feedback and advice for improving our efforts to ensure environmental justice for all Americans," said EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler. "We are committed to protecting the environment and public health for every American, regardless of race or income, and I look forward to NEJAC's recommendations." 

For more information on NEJAC:




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