EPA News: Rust-Oleum settles with EPA over hazardous waste violations at Williamsport, Md. facility


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Rust-Oleum settles with EPA over hazardous waste violations at manufacturing facility in Williamsport, Maryland

PHILDELPHIA (December 4, 2018) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced a settlement with the Rust-Oleum Corporation to address alleged violations of hazardous waste regulations at its paint manufacturing facility in Williamsport, Maryland.

EPA cited the Rust-Oleum Corporation for violating the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the federal law governing the treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste.

RCRA is designed to protect public health and the environment, and avoid long and extensive cleanups, by requiring the safe, environmentally sound storage and disposal of hazardous waste.

Under terms of the settlement, Rust-Oleum will pay a $168,000 penalty, and has ensured EPA it will properly contain and manage hazardous waste in the future. The settlement reflects the company's compliance efforts, and its cooperation in the investigation. As part of the settlement, Rust-Oleum has not admitted liability for the alleged violations, but has certified its compliance with RCRA requirements.

Inspectors from EPA and the Maryland Department of Environment identified numerous monitoring, record keeping and hazardous waste storage violations during an inspection.

The facility, which has been in operation at this location since 1978, manufactures paints that are primarily contained in aerosol cans. The facility uses a variety of mills and tanks to mix, grind, and thin the types of paints it generates.  

For more information about EPA's hazardous waste program, visit https://www.epa.gov/hw

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