EPA Administrator Wheeler Statement on America Recycles Day

  EPA Administrator Wheeler Statement on America Recycles Day

WASHINGTON — Today, President Donald J. Trump issued a Presidential Message on America Recycles Day highlighting the Trump Administration's commitment to reducing, reusing, and recycling waste. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler is hosting the second annual America Recycles Day Summit and released the following statement:

"America has a long-standing commitment to conservation and stewardship and under President Trump, we have made it a priority to engage with stakeholders and work together to address environmental challenges such as recycling. In doing so, we can reduce the roughly $9 billion of materials Americans throw away each year," said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. "On this America Recycles Day, I challenge you to do your part, by taking steps to reduce the amount of food we waste, the amount of garbage we put in the trash, and the amount of contaminated materials that end up in the recycle bins. Together we can build a stronger, more resilient recycling system that provides needed materials to fuel our economy, creates jobs, and most importantly conserves our precious natural resources while also protecting our environment."

To read the Presidential Message on America Recycles Day, please visit: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/presidential-message-america-recycles-day-2/.

To learn EPA's America Recycles efforts: www.epa.gov/AmericaRecycles


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