EPA Backs West Virginia Plan to Improve Water Quality

Contact: David Sternberg 215-814-5548 sternberg.david@epa.gov

EPA Backs West Virginia Plan to Improve Water Quality

PHILADELPHIA (September 5, 2018) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today it has approved and helped fund a more than $50 million plan by West Virginia to implement key water infrastructure projects, including new and upgraded wastewater treatment plants to better serve residents, increase efficiency and reduce pollution.

West Virginia's Plan includes an award of $25 million from EPA's FY 2018 Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). The plan by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) is also funded with a $5 million state match, repayments from prior CWSRF loans, and interest earnings.

"This federal-state partnership is critically important to achieving President Trump's goal of improving our nation's water infrastructure," said EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler.  "All Americans deserve clean and safe water, and the revolving loan program will greatly benefit West Virginia communities in need of new or upgraded water infrastructure." 

"West Virginia is the first state in EPA Region 3 to have the federal fiscal year 2018 CWSRF grant awarded," said Gov. Jim Justice. "These grants provide vital funding for projects that will ensure not only protection of the public health and the environment, but also improved infrastructure that will attract new businesses and create jobs."

"West Virginia continues to enjoy a productive relationship with EPA Region 3, and the result of that relationship is the process of securing these funds for these projects is made simpler," said WVDEP Cabinet Secretary Austin Caperton. "EPA and WVDEP share the goal of making sure that the projects that need this funding don't get bogged down in bureaucratic red tape."

The projects with funding commitments in the state's CWSRF plan include:

  • $2,695,000 to Brooke County Public Service District to extend sewer service to approximately 122 customers in the Bosley Run, Cross Creek, and Harmon Creek areas;
  • $2,700,000 to Mt. Hope to construct a two million-gallon stormwater flow equalization tank along with associated pumping and piping to eliminate bypasses;
  • $7,420,299 to Oceana to upgrade the existing wastewater treatment plant and pump stations;
  • $10,878,500 to construct a new 100,000 gallons per day wastewater treatment plant that will serve the Laurel Park and Route 73 areas of Greater Harrison County, which are currently served by septic systems and treatment plants which are failing;
  • $7,904,700 to the West Dunbar Public Service District to replace its old and deteriorated clay collection lines, and rehabilitate its pumping stations – which will reduce stormwater-related overflows at its treatment plant;  
  • $10,430,000 to Weston to connect approximately 160 residents with failing septic tanks to the city sewer system and upgrade the Jackson Mill pump station; and,
  • $8,597,000 to the Union Public Service District to construct a sewer collection system for approximately 183 residents as well as providing upgrades to the existing wastewater treatment plant.

The CWSRF program provides low interest loans for the construction of wastewater treatment facilities and other projects vital to protecting and improving water quality in rivers, lakes and streams for drinking water, recreation and natural habitat. The loans help communities keep water and sewer rates affordable while addressing local water quality problems.

For more information about EPA's Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program: https://www.epa.gov/cwsrf

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