Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler addressing attendees at a poster session for award winners.
Congratulations to the newest winners of the Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators (PIAEE) and the President's Environmental Youth Award (PEYA).
EPA honored these award-winning educators and honorable mention recipients at a series of events in Washington, D.C. last week. From across the country, ten educators and 49 students were recognized for their efforts. Through these programs, EPA recognizes the remarkable work of educators and students in the field of environmental education and stewardship.
The events featured a ceremony with remarks by Matthew Z. Leopold, EPA General Counsel, as well as special guest National Park Service Office of Public Health Director and U.S. Public Health Service Captain Sara B. Newman, DrPH, MCP. Winning teachers and students also presented their work at an afternoon poster session for all attendees as well as EPA leadership.
Students conducted projects including raising international awareness of a threatened bird species and the use of plastics, supporting local waterways, researching new biodegradable plastic, developing a new model for water efficient facilities, creating educational interactive electronic programs on sustainable urban development, and exploring a new economic way to test for lead in water, as well as recycling, composting, and supporting local ecology.
Teachers were recognized for activities including developing successful preschool, elementary, middle, and high school environmental and outdoor education courses; advising environmental clubs for students and family programs, including activities such as building gardens and compost centers, hosting community service days, starting school waste reduction programs, and exploring energy conservation; leading training workshops and other professional development for peers; teaching about the global impact of agriculture and nutrition; and leading students in responding to recent weather events.
The PIAEE program recognizes innovative educators who bring environmental education into their classrooms through hands-on, experiential approaches. The PEYA program recognizes outstanding environmental projects by K-12 youth, promotes awareness of our nation's natural resources, and encourages positive community involvement.
Detailed information on PEYA and PIAEE winners is available at:
US EPA, Office of Public Engagement, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460 United States
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