"EPA is excited to start a new working relationship with ITEP and improve on our past accomplishments to support tribal pesticide programs in Indian country," said EPA Associate Deputy Administrator Doug Benevento. "Tribal governments have been working on EPA pesticide programs since the agency began 50 years ago, and the input they provide is invaluable."
"EPA is proud of its relationship with tribal governments and the valuable input they provide to help us meet our mission of protecting human health and the environment across the country," said EPA Office of International and Tribal Affairs Assistant Administrator Chad McIntosh. "We look forward to working with ITEP and the TPPC to advance our shared goals."
"We are honored to be selected for this cooperative agreement and to be working with EPA to support the Tribal Pesticide Program Council," said ITEP Executive Director Ann Marie Chischilly.
Established in 1992, ITEP's mission is to strengthen tribal capacity and sovereignty in environmental and natural resource management through culturally relevant education, research, partnerships and policy-based services. As the recipient of the cooperative agreement, ITEP will complete a number of objectives, including identifying high-priority, pesticide-related areas of tribal interest, assisting the TPPC with comments on new rulemaking or issue papers addressing EPA policy decisions that may impact Indian country, and developing pesticide-related training for the TPPC.
Read the September 2019 TPPC Funding Opportunity Announcement - EPA-HQ-OPP-2019-003 for more information on the cooperative agreement.
Read more about the Tribal Pesticide Program Council and EPA's tribal pesticide programs.
US EPA, Office of Public Engagement, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460 United States
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