EPA News: EPA awards $11 million to Delaware for drinking water improvement projects




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EPA awards $11 million to Delaware for drinking water improvement projects

PHILADELPHIA (October 29, 2020) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced it has awarded $11 million to Delaware for drinking water improvement projects throughout the state.

This grant, along with $2.2 million in state matching funds, further capitalizes on Delaware's Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Program that provides low interest loans to communities for drinking water projects.

"EPA's continued commitment to supporting infrastructure projects with our state and local partners helps ensure residents have affordable access to safe drinking water and cleaner waterways," said EPA Mid-Atlantic Regional Administrator Cosmo Servidio. "EPA is proud to support projects throughout Delaware that support public health by improving drinking water."

The grant money will be combined with repayments from prior loans and interest earnings to provide direct funding to communities.

One project includes $1 million in funding for the Artesian Water Company to replace the Town of Frankford's failing water mains. This funding will allow for the delivery of clean water which is vital to protecting public health. 

For more information about Delaware's State Revolving Fund program and a complete list of projects, visit: https://dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dph/hsp/dwsrf.html

For more information about DWSRF, visit: https://www.epa.gov/dwsrf .

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