EPA settles with Massachusetts solar company for Construction General Permit violations

Issued: May 21, 2024 (4:30pm EDT)

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EPA settles with Massachusetts solar company for Construction General Permit violations

Company agrees to pay penalties for stormwater discharges from construction activities


Contact Information: James Anderson, anderson.james.r@epa.gov, (617) 918-1401; R1_Press@epa.gov   



EPA settles with Massachusetts solar company for Construction General Permit violations  


Company agrees to pay penalties for stormwater discharges from construction activities 


BOSTON (May XX, 2024) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has settled with Navisun, LLC, a solar energy company based in Hingham, Massachusetts, for alleged violations of the Construction General Permit (CGP), related to stormwater discharges from construction activities. Under the settlement, the company will pay a penalty of $25,000 to resolve the allegations of the two alleged violations.


"Great strides have been made in clean energy production, especially when it comes to solar power. However, clean energy development must be done in environmentally sound ways, and this proposed penalty and subsequent settlement reinforces the commitment we have to our communities and to neighbors." said EPA New England Regional Administrator David W. Cash. " We will do what we can to support private companies that are undertaking clean energy development, but we will also continue to demand adherence to environmental standards, ensuring that no corners are cut, and that no environmental sacrifices are made while undertaking clean energy growth."


EPA alleged that Navisun, LLC violated the terms of the CGP, for stormwater discharges from construction activities at the company's solar farm development site in Acushnet, MA. In late 2022, the stormwater basin at the site failed, leading to discharge of sediment-laden water in two separate storms; the sediment from these discharges impacted a neighbor's pond and well water.


Navisun improved its site controls upon pressure from the Town of Acushnet's local Conservation Agent following the failure, and there were no significant issues when EPA inspected the site in early 2023. An inspection by Acushnet's Conservation Commission a few months later, however, discovered Navisun's failure to stabilize large areas of the site; Navisun subsequently has stabilized the remainder of the site.


About the company

Navisun LLC is a solar energy company that develops, owns and operates small utility-scale commercial and industrial solar farms. The alleged CGP violations occurred at the company's solar farm development site located at 550 Main Street in Acushnet, MA.



More information

Construction General Permit (CGP) and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)


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